Spectra processing error

Spectra processing stops at 5% (see error below), we do do not know how we can solve it.

OptiLCMS 1.2.0 initialized Successfully !
metaboanalyst_env ← new.env();
ft ← mSet@peakAnnotation[[‘camera_output’]][,c(2,3,5,6)];
idx ← OptiLCMS:::generatePvals_SigFeatures(mSet@dataSet);
Error in matrix(nrow = nrow(sample_data)) : data is too long
Calls: → matrix
Execution halted
srun: error: xiaserver10: task 0: Exited with exit code 1

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Which tool and which module: Spectra processing
We employed a UHPLC-QTOF 9030 SHIMADZU using an MS+DDA acquisition method. Raw data files were converted into mzML files using lab solutions (Shimadzu) and compressed into zip files.
Two files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KPSMv-XtdHa-Uzfyz8k2hRmMNgY2ZN24?usp=drive_link