Permutation test in Biomarker Analysis

I encountered an issue while attempting to run permutations to evaluate the performance of the selected metabolites with high AUC. It does not work, and the following error appears: ‘Unknown Error Occurred.’"

Thank you for your consideration

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I highly appreciate your response.
Here is the information:

  • Datatset: Metabolite concentrations of 90 human plasma samples measured by 1H NMR. Phenotype labels: 0 - Controls; 1 - Patients.
  • ROC analysis on selected features
  • Algorithm: Linear SVM
    There are no issues with ROC view, Prob view, and CV prediction. However, when I attempted to run permutations to evaluate the performance of the selected metabolites, neither permutation time (500 nor 1000) for performance measure worked out. I also checked with my dataset but it did not work as well.
    Thank you in advance for your consideration.

I see. It is fixed now. The server will be updated later (~24 hours)

Thank you very much for your prompt response.