Hello, I am reporting two errors that happen on MetaboAnalyst R 4.0 when using the example data.
Error 1
My code:
“# Perform hierarchical clustering and plot heat map###”
mSet<-PlotHeatMap(mSet, “heatmap_0_”, “png”, 72, width=NA, “norm”, “row”, “euclidean”, “ward.D”,“bwm”, 8, “overview”, T, T, NULL, T, F, T, T, T)
My output:
[1] “heatmap_0_.json”
Only two new files (“heatmap_stats.rds”, and “heatmap_0_json”) were created, no figure can be found.
Error 2
My code:
“#2.5 Correlation Analysis - using Heatmap”
“### OPTION 1) - Heatmap specifying pearson distance and an overview###”
mSet<-PlotCorrHeatMap(mSet, “corr_0_”, format = “png”, dpi = 300, width=NA, “col”, “pearson”, “bwm”, “overview”, F, F, 0.0)
“### OPTION 2) - Heatmap specifying pearson correlation and a detailed view###”
mSet<-PlotCorrHeatMap(mSet, “corr_1_”, format = “png”, dpi=300, width=NA, “col”, “spearman”, “bwm”, “detail”, F, F, 999)
After executing these two lines of code,I obtain the same following error:
Error in if (fix.col) { : argument is not interpretable as logical
Could you please help?