Error of OPLS-DA

Dear administator,
I have input the data (csv.) of metabolites data. But when I used the opls-da method, the results can’t be found as follows.

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Please follow the post guide line

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Dear administrator,
My partner and I also found the same error about the OPLS-DA section. We don’t think it attributes to our data or operations. Could you please check this section? Thanks!

Dear administator,
I have the same problem, just like the friend interface above, even with the test data , it cannot be loaded.

Dear administrator,
I also have the same problem. There is no problem with PCA and volcano section, but I couldn’t successfully analyzed oPLS-DA and sPLS-DA with the data I successfully processed before.

Thanks for reporting. This is a known issue related to the latest upgrade. I have fixed it. MetaboAnalyst will be updated in 48h.

hi have u solved those problem? bcs im still stuck on oplsda (404 not found)

hi have u solved those problem?

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