ANOVA2 Generation Issues Continued

Hello there,

I made a post about this in February (24 days ago). However, I’m seeing continued issues with this feature of MetaboAnalyst so I wanted to post again asking for help.

I’m using the online MetaboAnalyst software, specifically using the statistical analysis [metadata table] tool. I am trying to do a time-series + 1 factor analysis, and I’ve been uploading the data sheet and metadata sheet attached below.

Here are the steps I’ve been taking:

  1. statistical analysis [metadata table]
  2. data type: peak intensities, study design: time-series + one-factor, data format: samples in rows, upload the data sheet and metadata sheet attached below
  3. Data filtering: none
  4. data scaling: auto scaling
  5. Multi-factor ANOVA
  6. Select two metadata: phenotype, type, Adjusted p-value cutoff: 0.05, phenotype factor: within subjects… Submit.

Each time, I get the error shown in the screenshot below, “unknown error occured”. For some reason, ANOVA2 is the only tool that doesn’t work: I’ve done iPCA, Heatmap2, Linear Model, Correlations, and RandomForest all with success.

On another data set, I’m running into the same issue when I try to run a simple time-series only ANOVA2.

In my previous post, jess.ewald had fixed the issue temporarily, explaining, “there was an update to an R package that changed the format of the results table (thus breaking our interface)”. I wonder if the same thing is occuring now?

Thanks so much for your help!


Data Sheet for MA Help Forum, Time Series + 1 Factor.csv (161.0 KB)

Metadata Sheet for MA Help Forum, Time Series + 1 Factor.csv (2.7 KB)

Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone has investigated this issue? I am still running into the same problems, along with other people in my lab.


Yes, this was the issue again and I did just fix it now. I think you must have had a different experimental design in the past, because some of the ANOVA function calls accepted the new format, but others didn’t. I’ve updated everything now.

Apologies about the late response - I remember trying to upload your data weeks ago and immediately getting all sort of errors. It looks like you “anonymized” the metadata sheet/sample names. I totally understand wanting to do that before uploading to a public forum, but please check that your modified data can still be analyzed next time (the spaces in the sample names were the issue). Normally I would have followed up, but you caught me at a super busy time and I lost track. Sorry about that!


Just wanted to say thank you for your help! It is all working well now. I appreciate that you took the time to fix this.


I am still running into the same issue.

I am closing this thread. To report an issue, please open a new topic and provide details that are specific to your data analysis according to our post guidelines