Peak_feature_summary missing in MS1 raw file processing

I am analyzing a lipidomics dataset using MetaboAnalystR 4.0 and OptiLCMS R packages locally. We had DDA MS1 files and went through the section 2. Example raw spectral data processing (MS1) in your tutorial
(LC-MS/MS Raw Spectral Data Processing)
We tried your example raw file (A small example dataset for demo purposes, containing 10 spectra (UPLC-Q/E-ESI-, C18) organized into three groups (Healthy, Crohn’s Disease and QC) from [Lloyd-Price et al.]) and it works successfully with peak_feature_summary with putative compound ID in your online webpage interface.

However, when we tried our raw data after local R implementation, we could only export files: metaboanalyst_input, peak_intensity and peak_result_summary, no peak_feature_summary with putative compound ID.
I checked our R script with your script in the webpage dealing with example file and did not find much differences.

This is our script for your reference. Basically we are copying your tutorial.



DataFiles ← list.files(“3d/QC/”, full.names = TRUE)

mSet ← PerformROIExtraction(datapath = DataFiles, rt.idx = 0.9, rmConts = TRUE)

#use automatic optimization 140min 6 cores use 6XLKKM3 workstation
best_params ← PerformParamsOptimization(mSet, param = SetPeakParam(platform = “UPLC-Q/TOF”), ncore = 6)

mSet ← ImportRawMSData(path = c(“3d”), plotSettings = SetPlotParam(Plot = T))

mSet ← PerformPeakProfiling(mSet, Params = best_params, plotSettings = SetPlotParam(Plot=TRUE))

annParams ← SetAnnotationParam(polarity = ‘positive’, mz_abs_add = 0.001); #mz_abs_add depends on best_parameters

mSet ← PerformPeakAnnotation(mSet, annParams)

mSet ← FormatPeakList(mSet, annParams, filtIso = FALSE, filtAdducts = FALSE, missPercent = 1);




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I encountered the same problem.
The “annoted_peaklist. csv” file generated on metaboanalyst contains information such as “compound” after the “pcgroup” column. However, the “annoted_peaklist. csv” file generated in R does not have corresponding information after “pcgroup” with the R script in the webpage.


Does anyone have the same issue? I don’t have MS2 spectra, I only have MS1 spectra.
I want to annotate my peaks with reference databases and identify the compounds as done in the MetaboAnalyst online server.
Does anyone have any idea about this or has solved this problem?