Pathway analysis - Metabolon data sheet upload failed with "Unknown error"

Repro steps:

  1. Open MetaboAnalyst
  2. Select pathway analysis
  3. Choose “Metabolon Data Sheet”.
  4. Upload xlsx file which contains the requested 3 sheets - (Chemical Annotation , Sample Meta Data and Peak Area Data ). We cannot share our proprietary data.

Error (screesshot attached).
Error1: * ErrorOnly xlsx or xls files are accepted for metabolon dataset!
Error 2: Unknown error occured

Screen Shot 2024-01-08 at 10.54.38 PM

Screen Shot 2024-01-08 at 11.02.48 PM

Unfortunately, we need to reproduce the issue before we can fix it. …

Is it possible to fix this with your sample data - file in xlsx file which contains the requested 3 sheets - (Chemical Annotation , Sample Meta Data and Peak Area Data ).

Upload to “Metabolon Data Sheet” tab is not working, in pathway analysis.

Hi Eshakaushal,
Thanks for reporting this potential issue. Please share us your data or a reproducible example to test and fix the potential issue. Thanks! Please send your data directly to

Hello, I am also having this same issue. I’ve tried to email your account directly since I can’t share our data on this public forum. Hopefully that’s still the appropriate email, please let me know if there’s a different email or person I should try. Thanks!