Mismatch in name of feature in initial graph v name in Feature View when using t-test or Mann-Whitney

I encountered this problem today (05/20/24).
I submitted a CSV data set
10d.csv (8.9 KB)

Statistical Analysis “one factor”

The data passed muster.

Normalization by median
Log transformation (base 10)
Pareto scaling

Two-sample t-tests & Wilcoxon rank-sum tests, unequal variance, use Raw data

Problem 1: 6 significant features were detected. Normally, when I use my cursor to select a significant feature ( purple circle), the name of the feature pops up. However, for the 5 features on the R side of the display, only a black arrow pointing to the purple circle appears appears .
When I click on the purple circle, the Feature View menu appears. At the top of Feature View, the name of the feature appears (in this case 3OH_BA_nm)

Question 1: why doesn’t the name of the feature immediately appear)

Problem 2: When I select a different significant feature (different purple circle), the name of the feature immediately appears. In my case it is “3_HPPA”,

However, when I click on that purple circle, the Feature View for a different feature (In this case 182.17 isomer_2nM) appears.

Q: Why the discrepancy?

I took a quick look at your data (see below ) - feature names contain space, comma, dot - these are special characters used for other purposes. Computers are really not good at dealing with this. Please clean your data first and try again.

OK, the issue should be fixed now. Please try again