Metabolite name conversion not 100%

This is an FYI.
The conversion, overall, is working, but for FUMARATE the output is GLYCEROL.
The two compounds are not identical.
Fumarate is KEGG C00122, whereas Glycerol is C00116.

I tried the conversion multiple times, with just 25 metabolite common names; the other names were converted to KEGG IDs (for use with with no problem.

Let’s add another metabolite that have erroneous conversion.
Query ‘Alanine’ in the tool yields ‘Alanine’ but is only found and referred to KEGG for some reason, while others shows to be ‘-’ (not found). Other database IDs in real are:
HMDB: HMDB0000161 (L-Alanine)
PubChem: 5950 (Alanine)
ChEBI: 16449 (alanine)
Metlin: 11 (L-Alanine)