MetaboAnalystR PerformROIExtraction problem

I encountered the same issue of PerformROIExtraction -> ssm_trim: Error in max(rt_set) : invalid 'type' (list) of argument · Issue #307 · xia-lab/MetaboAnalystR · GitHub
I wanted to process a whole batch of data, that are so many that I have to maximize the available memory of the cluster I uploaded the data (64 GB are not enough for all our data, but 128 GB indeed are). It processed well until I found the error I attach (for reasons I still don’t know all the R input went to the .err (.err.txt)
Here is my “workflow” with the metadata referring the mzML data in the cluster.

MetaboAnalyst_mzML_Reader.R.txt (5.2 KB) (878 Bytes)
metadata.txt (2.6 KB)
slurm.drago31030100,742289.err.txt (10.3 KB)

Is there any way to solve this issue?