Joint pathway analysis for Saccharomyces cerevisiae

I had done a joint pathway analysis on saccharomyces cerevisiae a few days ago and it works normally.
Now, after the update, if I repeat the analysis by inserting the same genes and the same compounds but using the new module it gives me an error, and no gene is found.

Gene Fold changes
YGL028C 2.638198017
YOR009W 2.631340503
YOR247W 2.459831008
YDR012W 2.457889275
YOR388C 2.367131573
YLR445W 2.312743018
YGR107W 2.297821834
YNL066W 2.297637474
YCR034W 2.296647743
Compound Fold changes
3-Butyn-1-al -4.69
Propanoate -1.16
Glycine -1.3
Pyrimidine -1.3
5-Aminoimidazole 2.59
Piperidine -0.66
Crotonate -2
2-Aminoprop-2-enoate -1.08
D-Alanine -1.17

I used gene symbols and compound names as the input, and selected Saccharomyces cerevisiae as the organism in the new module. The error is “no gene hits” but before the update it found them.

Hi Luca,

I just checked your case. This is due to the upgrading of gene ID matching system. Your input like “YGL028C” is actually a KEGG gene entry, not a standard NCBI gene ID or gene symbol. Previously, we mixed both gene IDs type together. Now, we have seperate these two cases in the gene ID type option. Please specify the ID type as “KEGG Entry” in this case.


perfect, thanks for the help!

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