I am experiencing issues when processing my LC-MS/MS data in MetaboAnalyst 6.0, specifically in the LC1+DDA
Experimental Setup
- Instrument: Q Exactive (Thermo Scientific)
- Acquisition Mode: DDA
- Ionization: Both positive and negative modes in the same run
- MS2 Parameters:
- Resolution: 17,500
- AGC Target: 1e5
- Loop Count: 5
- Isolation Window: 1 m/z
- NCE: 20, 30, 40
- Profile Mode (not centroided)
Data Processing Steps Taken:
Raw data were converted to mzML format using MSConvert, following the guidelines in the MetaboAnalyst 6.0 tutorial.
Metadata and sample files were properly prepared.
The dataset was uploaded using the MS1+DDA mode.
However, I encountered an error during the MSMS processing step.
I was wondering if the fact that my data were acquired in profile mode (not centroided) could be causing this issue. Should I reprocess my data in centroid mode before conversion?
Further Testing: LC-MS1 Only Analysis
Since the MSMS processing failed, I also tried to process the data using only LC-MS1 mode.
- Unfortunately, the results were no features identified.
- I tested all available Peak Picking Algorithms, but the results remained the same.
- Additionally, there was almost no match with HMDB, which seems unusual.
- Here a screeshot from the generated report
- Could the profile mode acquisition be causing issues with MetaboAnalyst’s processing?
- Are there specific settings or preprocessing steps I should adjust to improve feature identification?
- Has anyone experienced similar issues when using DDA, or when trying to process MS1-only data?
Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance.