Issues with converting to centroid data

Hi! I tried to centroid data by ProteoWizard GUI or OptiLCMS R package, but they are still shown as not centroided on MetaboAnalyst (“centroid – False”). After I use the convert button on the webpage, it still shows “centroid – False”. Could you please advise? I can provide my example files, maybe by email?

Hi hcen,

Have you done the centroid following this guidance: How to convert raw spectra data into centroid mode?

If you did so and still get the false information, please email your raw spectra data into zhiqiang.pang[at]


Thank you so much for your reply. Yes, I’ve followed this guide, but it still didn’t work. I just emailed you some example files. Much appreciated!

I’ve followed this guide, but it still didn’t work,but I tried to centroid data by ProteoWizard GUI or OptiLCMS R package, but they are still shown as not centroided on MetaboAnalyst (“centroid – False”). After I use the convert button on the webpage, it still shows “centroid – False”

I also followed this guide. But the files are still shown as not centroided after I have uploaded the data.

I have the same error with files I recently had succesfully uploaded and processed .

Hello. I am having the same problem. I batch processed my files using ProteoWizard. Most of the files pass the checks on MetaboAnalyst, but around 1/6 show “centroid - False”. It even happens with one of the QC replicates. Do you have any advice? I am happy to send you some of the affected files if it can help to resolve the problem.

Hi there,

I am having this same issue. I used MS convert to centroid my data, but receive “centroid - False” for my MS2 DDA samples and my blank MS1 file. Has anyone found a solution?