Hi, after installing R4.1.3 and installing the packages via Option 1, I was finally able to get to the part where I need to download the sample data. I types in:
dl <- drive_download(
+ as_id("10DBpPEWy2cZyXvmlLOIfpwqQYwFplKYK"), path = temp, overwrite = TRUE)
and then obtained the following:
The googledrive package is requesting access to your Google account.
Select a pre-authorised account or enter '0' to obtain a new token.
Press Esc/Ctrl + C to cancel.
1: dymphie.suchanek@gmail.com
Selection: 1
I selected 1 and the following error showed:
Error in `gargle_abort_request_failed()`:
! Client error: (403) Forbidden
Insufficient Permission: Request had insufficient authentication scopes.
* domain: global
* reason: insufficientPermissions
* message: Insufficient Permission: Request had insufficient authentication scopes.
Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.
Would be great if someone helped me out with this problem.
Thanks a bunch,