I could not perform the heatmap correlation since yesterday. Please let me know what will be the problem? Thank you

Please follow our post guide

I have noticed this issue. It is related to the recent server upgrading. I have fixed it. MetaboAnalyst will be updated in 24h.


The correlation still does not work. [10:11 AM MST (Denver, CO)]
Or, it broke again: Once I select correlation heatmaps, I hit submit and it just circles, I left it once for an hour.
I have tried other files that worked previously, as in on Monday, and they also simply spin.
I tried late at night and on different networks.
Always the same response. This is NOT a huge file.
Hpx-RV_CriticalSpeed.csv (19.9 KB)

This is a newly realized conflict between R engine and Rserve. I just made some changes. It should work now. Please let me know.

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How did I not follow the guide, please?
I provided detail of the error and a file to troubleshoot, then responded to an individual email when the issue was, indeed, resolved. What did I miss?
The issue has, sadly, re-appeared this morning (9/24/2024 ~11 AM MST). I have tried several files, including the one I sent for troubleshooting 14 days ago.
The page never moves on, it simply says " in progress" – as it did previously. Two weeks ago it was apparently due to an R engine-R reserve conflict.