Generate Report function doesn't work now

Generate Report function doesn’t work now. I tried two different browsers and none of them worked.

I am providing more information and hope the bug will be fixed soon.
I used the Statistical Analysis module in MetaboAnalyst 6.0. I tried both my data and the example data on the MetaboAnalyst website (e.g., the 1st example dataset). After normalizing the data, volcano test, PCA, and heat map were performed. When I clicked the download link and then the generate report link, a popup window says “Processing. This may take a while to complete, please be patient…” After the window was gone, nothing happened. I couldn’t find the PDF file anywhere on my computer. I knew something was wrong, since I used to perform the same task in MetaboAnalyst 4.0 and 5.0. I never had a problem to generate reports. Could you please check and see what the problem is? Many thanks.

Same problem here. Any solutions yet?

I used the your test dataset lcms_table.csv. >Metaboanalyst>Statistical Analysis (One factor)>uploaded lcms_table.csv, chose peak intensity and samples in columns>proceed>data filtering (5% IQR)> submit>proceed> log transformation and pareto scaling selected> normalize>proceed>Statistics> I clicked on all statistical analysis then>Download>Generate Report> (Processeing window pop up)> no PDF file is downloaded

Issue Resolved. I checked the statistics one by one. The issue was with sPLSDA. After clicking sPLSDA you need to click Performance and Submit a validation method.