Functional Meta analysis

Hello there,
I have been trying to work on functional meta-analysis. But I failed to conduct the analysis on my dataset.
After I went through all the data uploading and processing, and after I set the parameter, I click submit, the webpage will have a window pop out saying it is processing. But it does not go to the result view page. It goes back to the submission page. I have tried it many times but it kept going back to the parameter submission page. Each dataset can be run normally on the functional analysis section but when I try to do pathway-level integration in the meta-analysis, it does not work.
I tried the example dataset, it works normally. Could anyone help me with why it is not working for my dataset? I mean it passed all the processing and normalization?
Thank you,

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Hello there,
I was trying to use Functional Meta-analysis in MetaboAnalyst 5.0 web platform.
I uploaded my dataset (see attached, it is in negative mode, and retention time is provided in mins), and completed the integrity check, normalization, analysis and summary. All steps were completed without issues for both datasets.

Then I click to proceed, which led to the next page “set parameter”

After I set my parameter, a window pops up,

After a few seconds, I was sent back to the parameter setting page. When I tried to click on view result, it shows an error that reads

If I tried to submit it again, the window saying it is processing showed up again and disappeared. I am back to the parameter setting page again.

Attached are my datasets.
unfiltered metabo year 2021 2.csv (3.6 MB)
unfiltered metabo 2020.csv (2.8 MB)

Thank you,