Error! You must have more than three non-zero dose groups for Exp5 and Hill models


I have 5 experimental dose groups but am receiving the error in the title on the ‘Fit Curves’ tab. I am able to proceed, but only without the Hill and Exp5 model.

Here is an example of one of the gene BMDs which clearly shows that I have 6 dose groups.

For reference, here’s the .txt file I am working with
BPA_Gene_Counts_Data_UPXOME_SALMON.txt (1.7 MB)

Any ideas?

Thanks for the message, I just added that error handling message a few days ago and it wasn’t working properly - it was getting called for every dataset, regardless of the number of doses.

I’ve made the fix and the public version of FastBMD should be updated by tomorrow.

I met the same problem today. Hoping to solve it!

I made the fix for the other dataset - can you link your data and give me your steps? If you are uncomfortable attaching to a public comment, you can DM me.