Error message by performing one-way repeated ANOVA


We conducted a study with 7 subjects, collecting data at 4 time points (concentrations of 250 metabolites for each sample). I would like to analyze this data using a one-way repeated measures ANOVA. The following parameters were used when loading the data:

  • Study design: time series only
  • Data format: samples in rows
  • Data file: CSV file with metabolite concentrations (samples in rows)
  • Metadata file: metadata file with the first column containing sample names, followed by timepoints (0-1-2-3), and the last column indicating Subject (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7). (See attached file)

However, when performing ANOVA2, I receive the following error message:

Can someone help me resolve this issue?

Thank you in advance!
metadata_TdF.csv (640 Bytes)

Have you tested our example to see if the issue occurs? If not, then it is likely related to your data, and you need to provide a minimal (or complete) sample to allow reproduce the issue, not just metadata

Dear Xia,

Thank you for your help. Highly appreciated.

I have also tested this with the test data on the site, but I encounter the same error. It appears to be a system issue. I have attached the data of several metabolites for testing.

Kind regards,
TdF_data_test.csv (5.0 KB)
metadata_TdF.csv (640 Bytes)

Dear Xia,

Is it possible to have a look to this issue?

Kind regards,

It has been solved. The server will be updated in the weekend.

Hi, MetaboAnalyst website has been updated. Please try it now.

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