Dear. Forum Users
Hi, I got an error in volcano plot figure generation and results csv files.
When I submitted my data file (csv), ‘Data Integrity Check’ shown no problems.
After data processing and click the ‘Volcano plot’, they show me the graphs with options.
After that, when I click the figure generation button, click submit, and click download button, they show me HTTP Status 404 - Not Found page.
Furthermore, when I tried to download the result csv file, the raw data is MIXED!!!
For example, the variable which has highest log2FC value is ‘Browning’ in my data set.
However, in Feature Details Table, they showed me different variable has the highest log2FC value.
I have sufferred to fix this problem, but I cannot find anything errors…
(I tried to change my samples name, groups name, and so on…)
I attatched my csv file, too.
I really hope the Metaboanalyst developers or masters can fix this problem… Please help me…
By the way, When I tried to generate the volcano plot figure using test data (The first one, ‘Concentrations’) it sucessufully generated volcano plot figure. In same computer conditions…
Thank you so much.
Best regards,