Error Importing Paired CSV Data

Dear Administrator,
I hope this message finds you well.
I encountered an issue while trying to import paired CSV data, but I received an error after importing the data according to the format.

“Error: Failed to read in the CSV file.
Possible causes of error (last one being the most relevant):
Unknown Error Occurred.”

I also tried the paired test data in Metaboanalyst, but the error is still existed.

Here are the details of the problem:

(1)An error occurs during the import process, preventing the data from being successfully loaded.
(2)The CSV file format and content have been double-checked and are confirmed to be correct.
(3)Previous imports of similar data worked fine, but this time, the error is unexpected.

Could you please assist in troubleshooting and provide a solution? I appreciate your time and help with this matter, and I look forward to your response.

If you need any additional information, please feel free to let me know.

Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Jialiu He

Hi Jialiu,
Thanks for reaching. I have validted this issue. This is related to the recent upgrade of “Biomarker Analysis” module. I have fixed it. MetaboAnalyst will be updated in 72h.


Thank you very much for your efoort!
I’ll try to input my data again.

Hi Jialiu He,

The issue is still ongoing.
Could you kindly assist?

Thank in advance,
Carmel Even

Dear Carmel Even,
I find the mistake is still ongoing now.
I will ask the administator again.

Dear Jialiu,

Thank you very much, it is working now!


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