Documentation MetaboAnalystR package- vignettes for biomarker analysis

Hello, I was wondering if you could update the pdf doc files highlighting vignettes for many of the sections of analysis. For e.g pathway analysis the page points to a pdf document showing different functions of the MetaboAnalyst R package using the example file. However the formatting of the pdf cuts of the arguments of the functions, thus not allowing us to replicate them. Can you update the git hub repo with fresh documentation with full codes used on the example file.

Thank you


Thank you for the note. The issue you mentioned is not something caused by our code. It is related to the Sweave / Latex technology underlying the PDF report generation. There will be limited support in future for PDF report due to this issue and other better alternatives.

The public version will focus on better algorithms and analysis. The report generation, batch processing and AI support will be core for our pro version in order to sustain our tools.