Hi Lisa, I got your example from your email. I just fixed the issue. Now, you can try to reinstall the R pacakge and rerun it.
Here is the example code. I am post them just in case anyone else need it.
# Use Google API for data downloading peak feature data generated by FormatPeakList here.
# Please "install.packages('googledrive')" and "install.packages('httpuv')"first.
temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
# Please authorize your google account to access the data
dl1 <- drive_download(
as_id("1wEh2P81J_xFWJs5y4mq98-FsjxJ5wmBO"), path = temp, overwrite =
# Use Google API for data downloading meta data here.
# Please "install.packages('googledrive')" and "install.packages('httpuv')"first.
temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
# Please authorize your google account to access the data
dl2 <- drive_download(
as_id("1KaBnSNRrirVPvpRxIubGCqpjX8asNeVA"), path = temp, overwrite =
# Data preparation - read data in & transpose.
# This is a reference example for user to prepare their data.
# Please prepare your data table according to your data format.
MetaboAna_Data <- t(read.csv(dl1$local_path,header = T));
colnames(MetaboAna_Data) <- MetaboAna_Data[1,];
MetaboAna_Data <- MetaboAna_Data[-1,];
MetaboAna_Data <- MetaboAna_Data[order(rownames(MetaboAna_Data)),];
meta_data <- read.csv(dl2$local_path);
meta_data <- meta_data[order(meta_data[,1]),c(1,2,4)];
Prepared_Data <- cbind(meta_data,MetaboAna_Data)[,-4];
write.csv(Prepared_Data,file = "IBD_BC_correction.csv",row.names = F)
datapath <- paste0(getwd(),"/IBD_BC_correction.csv")
# Load the MetaboAnalystR package
mSet<-InitDataObjects("pktable", "stat", FALSE)
mSet<-Read.TextData(mSet, dl1$local_path, "col", "disc")
mSet<-FilterVariable(mSet, "iqr", "F", 25)
mSet<-Normalization(mSet, "MedianNorm", "LogNorm", "NULL", ratio=FALSE,
### Data Orgnization
normalized_set <- mSet[["dataSet"]][["norm"]]
ordered_normalized_set <-
normalized_set[order(row.names(normalized_set)), ]
### import metadata
meta_data <- read.csv(dl2$local_path)
new_normalized_set <- cbind(meta_data[,2:4], ordered_normalized_set);
write.csv(new_normalized_set,file =
"NEW_new_normalized_set.csv") #changed it to my directory and read it in from there
#perform PCA
mSet <- PCA.Anal(mSet)
mSet <- PlotPCAPairSummary(mSet, "pca_pair_0_", "png", 72, width=NA, 5)
mSet <- PlotPCAScree(mSet, "pca_scree_0_", "png", 72, width=NA, 5)
mSet <- PlotPCA2DScore(mSet, "pca_score2d_0_", "png", 72, width=NA,
mSet <- InitDataObjects("pktable", "utils", FALSE)
## we set samples in "row" according to the table format. If your samples are in column, set it as "col".
mSet <- Read.BatchDataTB(mSet,
"NEW_new_normalized_set.csv", "row",
missingEstimate = "lod") #read the file in from my directory and had to place a missingEstimate
mSet <- PerformBatchCorrection(mSet)