Bug Different Volcano

NNd8d12.csv (2.3 KB)
Statistical Analysis One Factor
Peak intensities
Samples in columns
Normalization by sum
Log tranformation
Mean centering
Volcano plot, Fold Change 2.0, p-value 0.05

Troubles MetaboAnalyst generates a volcano plot on the screen but does not provide a 300dpi PNG file for download. Instead, under the Downloads section, it offers a different volcano plot at 72dpi.

If you require 300 dpi, you need to require it on the same web page - by clicking the color palette icon on top right corner of the volcano plot.

The download PNG figure is in a different style (ggplot) from the one shown on the web interface - as they are using different technologies for different purposes

I did this. Thank you. But to this sample, the system report errors.

It is likely because no significant features based on your current threshold. The issue should be fixed in the next update. Meanwhile, you should be able to get the image by adjusting the threshold

I’m talking about not having a graph of the same quality as the others generated to put in the paper. Thank you for your contribution.

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