2 treatment, 5 point timecourse, heatmap from csv

I am having a difficult time uploading a csv file of my data (~30 variables). The two parameters I would like to divide the visual of the heatmap by are a time course over 5 days and two treatments. The visual is therefore a vertical heatmap with two large columns (two treatments), then 5 sub columns within each of the two main columns for each day. Then each variable will have its own row across all 10 columns. I wonder if the format of the file is incorrect (columns are treatment, day, and variables) and what steps within the metaboanalyst program I should be taking to get the heatmap visual I am looking for. When I try to input data, I get an error message that “duplicate features are not allowed” and then lists the names of my two treatments, but there is 1 sample per treatment/day/variable combination, so I’m unsure how to not repeat the names of the treatment in those rows?

When I read a similar post that suggested using multiple factors/covariates but that requires a data table AND meta table, however I am unsure how to differentiate these files to begin with.

I am looking for an example csv file or table that shows how to organize these files plus which analyst and steps I should pursue for the visual I am aiming for.

Thank you in advance.

Yes, I think you can achieve this using a separate “metadata table”.

There are many example datasets here and in the respective data upload page. If this does not fit your data, you need to follow the post guideline.

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