Heattree image shows less number of features than the result table

Hello, please follow our post guideline for trouble shooting.

data_filtered.csv (174.1 KB)

Taxonomy.csv (2.6 MB)

meta_test.txt (424 Bytes)
HI,The procedures:
MicrobiomeAnalyst 2.0>>Marker Data Profiling>>choose above three data(nothing included& greengenes taxonomy)>>no filter>>no normalize>>heat tree analysis
Q: The bacterial species displayed in the images is less than that in the table, which the p-values< 0.05.Can you help me check the reason?

Hello, I have checked your data, it seems caused by the taxonomy labels, a lot of which cannot be mapped properly. Could you please make sure it was annotated by GreenGenes? Usually, it should look like:

As the problem was from an inner build function of a R package(metacoder), you can firstly confirm the taxonomy labels and let us know if it works and if need more action.

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