Troubleshooting issues with upload for Statistical Meta-Analysis

Within the Statistical Meta-Analysis Package, when I try to upload my data, I receive the following: “This page indicates an unknown error that is unique to your data and parameters. We suggest the following steps…”

It is asking me if everything is formatted correctly. I don’t see an error in the uploaded files. Could you please take a look and let me know what might be wrong?

Data uploaded:
metadata.txt (5.1 KB)
MS2.txt (245.3 KB)
TAXONOMY.txt (45.4 KB)

With MS2 file for OSU/ASV table, I didn’t select taxonomy included, sequences included, or normalized data.
For taxonomy, I’ve tried SILVA taxonomy and Not Specific/Other.

The data were generated using DADA2 for R.

Thanks for any help.


The meta-analysis is dedicated to the analysis of multiple datasets. If you have only one dataset as attached here, we recommend the MDP module to do the analysis.

Hope this helps!

Greetings, thank you for your reply. When I try MDP with the same uploads, I get:
“Error! Possible causes of error (last one being the most relevant): Failed to read in the OTU abundance data! Please make sure the data is in the right format and do not have empty cells or NA.”

I think that the files are in the correct format. Could you please let me know if I’m missing something?
metadata.txt (5.1 KB)
MS2.txt (245.3 KB)
TAXONOMY.txt (45.4 KB)


Hello, this is because you have two blank rows at the bottom of your OTU table like this:

Please delete these two blank rows and it should work. There should not be missing value or blank value in the OTU table.

Hope this helps!

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Thank you so much! Not sure how the extra rows got there, but removing those fixed it. I’m so grateful!