Sizing and printing to have all points labeled; alternatively label in the program?

I am OmicsNet to integrate proteomics with metabolomics that compares the differences between wild type mice and a disease model. One problem I am having is generating either files or printouts that retain all the labels. For data points that are small, the labels do not appear when the pathway network is very large.

I would like to see the names of the compounds that are in between the nodes in order to determine if they are in our data set but did not have a fold change above 1.5 or a significant p-value and so were left out of the omics analyses. Alternatively, is there a way for me to have the program print the names of the small compounds?
I would be grateful for any suggestions you may have.
Thank you!

Dear Ellen,

I have added a show all label option, you can access it by opening label dialog under “Styling” drop down option.


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