SearchMsetLibraries: how do I proceed? (no tutorial)


I’m trying to search metabolites with the RaMP-DB by using SearchMsetLibraries. I tried doing using the RaMP-DB website and the results I populated were different (less results) than when I used MetaboAnalyst. I can’t find the actual version of the library to download that was used in MetaboAnalyst’s enrichment program so I’m resorting to this. The purpose of also doing this is to search my entire list agains the enrichment database that RaMP-DB supplies because I want to recieve the information found on “View” during enrichment analysis (browser version of MetaboAnalyst). This information is not available through downloading the results at the end of enrichment analysis and to do so manually for 200+ entires is exhaustive.

Below is a photo of the code I used & the error that developed. metabs is the list of metabolites I want to search and the TimepointA file is all the metabolites in my dataset

Potential solutions made it so the error had to do with atomic vectors before, but now I’m here.

Assistance would be great!

MetaboAnalyst is very comprehensive in terms of data treatment and statistical analysis. The difference you observed may be due to these factors other than the content of libraries

Please see this post regarding database libraries.

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