Pattern seach not detecting continuous metadata


I have a metadata file that has 6 continuous variables and two categorical. However, when I try to run the pattern search only 3 are read as continuous and the others group them as categorical (even though they are numerical). I have checked in multiple ways that the input values are indeed continuos and numerical, so I don’t understand why it’s still assigning them as categorical.

Here are the examples:
metadata_reefs.csv (3.9 KB)
taxonomic_profile_reefs_q.csv (18.9 KB)

Any help is appreciated!

Telling numerical or categorical is not a simple task, as people can use numbers as class labels. One reason could be that there are many identical numbers in your metadata

See below, during the “data integrity check” step, you can overwrite the default assignment from categorical to continuous (under “metadata overview” tab).

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