Microbial metabolomics not going to next page after uploading files


I am trying for the first time the Microbial metabolomics module on MicrobiomeAnalyst. And once I upload mice 3 files in the abundance table option (very first step) and I try to process it by clicking on proceed, absolutely nothing happen and no error message is given .

Could you help me try to find out why please?

Please find attached my 3 files

And this is the setting I select:
Microbiome data : OTU/ASV counts data
=>Taxonomy included
=>Taxonomy label : Quime

=>Mass tolerance: 10ppm
=>Retention Time: minutes
1Gy2Gy4Gy_Labskin_pos+neg_MC2.csv (3.5 MB)
1Gy2Gy4Gy_metagenomic_taxa7Mapped_MC2.csv (320.9 KB)
1Gy2Gy4Gy_GULabskin_group_MC.csv (387 Bytes)

Best regards
