Issue with uploading phylogenetic tree

Hello, apologies as my last post lacked the required information. I am using the Marker Data Profiling module of MicrobiomeAnalyst.

I get stuck on the first step of data upload when I include the phylogenetic tree. The interface doesn’t give me any error message, the page just crashes and reloads. I don’t have a problem uploading the data when I do not include the phylogenetic tree as the tool lets me move on to the data integrity check/next steps with no issues. However I need the phylogenetic tree to perform beta diversity analysis with unifrac distance and I am not sure what the problem is with my file. It was suggested to me that the file might be too large to be supported by MicrobiomeAnalyst by a colleague. Is that possible? (the file is 1.6MB)

Please find a google drive link to my dataset, along with the phylogenetic tree:

(the taxonomy labels are SILVA)

I have not made the phylogenetic tree myself as I am not familiar with that type of work. However I am happy to ask the bioinformatician who provided me with it for more information if it is needed.



I am wondering if anyone had the chance to have a look at my phylogenetic tree. I am still struggling to understand what went wrong and would appreciate your input.

Thank you in advance.
