Free or Subscription based?

Is MicrbiomeAnalyst totally a free application? How does it compare with other free/open access pipelines - like QIIME 2? Also, how does it compare with subscription based analyses pipelines/tools - like EZBioCloud ? Would appreciate detail comparative information. Thank you.

MicrobiomeAnalyst is free as a self-service data analysis platform. The subscription & pro version allow our team to sustain the platform, and to support more advanced analysis needs from the community. You can see our motivation & vision as well as the key features of pro tools

In terms of comparison with other two tools you mentioned, I don’t think they are quite comparable as each tool was developed for different purposes - QIIME (raw data processing); MicrobiomeAnalyst (statistical analysis & visualization) and EZBioCloud (database). They are certainly evolving with some functional overlaps in recent updates - but their key strengths remain the same as far as I know.

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