Error! Posible causes of error (last one being the most relevant):

I got a message when uploading my data to Microbiome Analyst. I was trying to use the Marker Data profiling tool. After uploading, I could not click proceed in the section: Data Inspection. And appear the following message

Error! Posible causes of error (last one being the most relevant):

This happened with the following data:
meta2.txt (2.4 KB)
output_sing_editedfinal.txt (143.7 KB)
sing_edited_tax_final.txt (156.0 KB)


The problem was that you have a special symbol in the taxonomy table as follow. You can remove it and try again. We will update our website soon to provide more specific error message.

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 11.56.48

Hope this helps!