Error downloading raw data results


I have been analysing raw sequencing data at MicrobiomeAnalyst, data are correctly processed but when I try to download the results reported on the Download page, I get an error message in all of them except microbiomeAnalyst_16s_meta.txt and microbiomeAnalyst_16s_otu.txt. I have tried with several browsers.


Could anyone help me with this issue?

Thank you!

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I have uploaded a set of raw sequences (pair-end, Bioproject PRJNA646474) individually with their corresponding metadata (attached) to the Raw Data Processing tool. The sequence type is 16s and I have selected the taxonomy reference database GreenGenes. I have processed the data with the default settings. When I procceed to the results Download page, I can download just microbiomeAnalyst_16s_meta.txt and microbiomeAnalyst_16s_otu.txt files. The rest of the files show the error message below.

The link of my job is: MicrobiomeAnalyst

If there is any other usefull information I should provide to solve this issue, please let me know, thank you.

MicrobiomeAnalyst_16S_OTU.txt (975.0 KB)


metadata_m2.txt (2.5 KB)

Thanks for your feedback! This is a valid issue. We have fixed it. You can download other things now.

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