Hi, I’m running through the miRNetR package vignette mapping microRNAs to multiple targets ( 3.1.2 Mapping to multiple targets) and it usually works. However, today I keep getting the below error in R when running the function QueryMultiListMir()
> QueryMultiListMir()
[1] "Downloading https://www.xialab.ca/resources/sqlite/mir2gene.sqlite"
trying URL 'https://www.xialab.ca/resources/sqlite/mir2gene.sqlite'
Content type 'unknown' length 219815936 bytes (209.6 MB)
downloaded 209.6 MB
[1] "Converting ids for different miRBase versions ...."
trying URL 'https://www.mirnet.ca/resources/data/libs//mbcdata.rda'
Error in download.file(mbcdata.rda, destfile, mode = "wb") :
cannot open URL 'https://www.mirnet.ca/resources/data/libs//mbcdata.rda'
In addition: Warning message:
In download.file(mbcdata.rda, destfile, mode = "wb") :
URL 'https://www.mirnet.ca/resources/data/libs//mbcdata.rda': status was 'SSL connect error'
So basically the mbcdata.rda file can’t be found.
Please advise.