An error in multiple expression tables

Why is there this error? please help me to fix this.

Please read and follow our post guidelines for further trouble shooting.

  1. Which tool and which module
    Statistical & Functional Analysis----->multiple expression tables
  2. Provide a copy of your data (actual data that leads to the error, not a screenshot image of the data), or indicate which example data you used
    all three files are at 链接: 百度网盘 请输入提取码 提取码: 7nrp
  3. Document all steps leading to the issue. Sometimes screenshots may be necessary
    I uploaded 3 files, went through the “data quelity check” and applied the “adjust study patch effect”, next step was showed as uploaded image. When I clicked “Submit”, the error notice was there and could not continue the analysis.

Hello Lee,

I am unable to download your data file because I don’t have Baidu account and I am not able to register one without chinese phone number, can you send me your datasets to my email?
