16S Marker Data profiling- Error in Rarefying and error in Beta Diversity


I have 132 sequence files (234 if R1/R2). I used DADA2 pipeline of NEPHELE to create ASV with biom, taxanomy table and tree. I tried to use DADA2 pipeline of qiime 2 but there were additional error hence I switcehed to Nephele. Here are some of the errors I am facing

Unfortunately my files cannot be rarifed to minimum library size and I cannot generate beta diversity. Instead an error pops without a explanation.

I have used Microbiomenalayst for a publication in past. This is the first time its happening. I am ready to upload my files.
Taxonomy table_121823_excel edited.txt (312.9 KB)
Non-rarefied ASV table_121823_excel edited.txt (1.3 MB)
Taxonomy_table_121823.txt (389.2 KB)
Non-rarefied ASV table_121823.txt (1.5 MB)
N2_mappingfile_2023_2.csv (24.9 KB)


The problem was because you have several sample that contains only 0 values. We have add the filtration to remove these samples, and update the error message. You can either remove these columns before you upload or wait till we update the website soon.

Hope this helps!

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Is this an input function already offered by MicrobiomeAnalyst or is it something that will be available in future?
If there is filtration to remove these samples, how do I do it in MIcrobiomeAnalyst?

Yes, we have updated our website and MicrobiomeAnalyst can automatically remove these samples now. You can try again.

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