Font modifications

Hello, I’m curious if there is a way to modify font (size, font, color, bold, italics, etc.) in either the online or R versions of MetaboAnalyst. I haven’t been able to find any posts on the forum about this topic, but am curious whether any solutions exist. Even modifying in things like Powerpoint or Illustrator would be ok.

Thank you for considering my post!

Sometimes there are options to download figures as SVG - then you can open these and modify fonts/colors in Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape (free & opensource software).

Hi Jess,

Thank you for your reply. In the code I see only the option to save as pdf or png, is it just on the online that you can save as an svg? I’ve also tried converting a PNG to SVG with Adobe but even with 300 dpi it has a difficult time detecting edges

PlotPCA2DScore(mSet, imgName = “pls_score_2d_0_”, format = “png” , dpi = 300, …)

The R commands are displayed in the R command history on the right panel. If you choose to save as SVG using web, you will see the corresponding commands.